Florida, Tampa Bay Obituaries and Death Notices
499,316 سجل
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Florida, Tampa Bay Obituaries and Death Notices
499,316 سجلات
This collection contains obituaries and death notices from newspapers published in Tampa Bay, Florida, United States, from the year 1826 onwards. Records typically include the name of the deceased, calculated year of birth, year of death, the name of the newspaper where the original obituary or death notice was published, and the date of publication.<br><br>The obituaries and death notices found in this collection originate from the following newspapers: Tampa Tribune, Florida Sentinel Bulletin, Florida Peninsular, Sunland Tribune, Tampa Weekly Journal, Tampa Journal, Tampa Guardian, and Tampa Weekly Tribune.
سجل عينة
Rondo HattonPublished: Feb 10 1946
Rondo Hatton was an American journalist and actor. After writing for The Tampa Tribune, Hatton found a career in film due to his unique facial features, which were the result of acromegaly. He headlined horror films with Universal Studios near the end of his life, earning him a reputation as an icon.