Colonial Families of the Southern States of America
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Colonial Families of the Southern States of America
756 records
Colonial Families of the Southern States of America. Stella Pickett Hardy. (1911) 2006. The author has gathered information on more than sixty prominent southern colonial families, mostly early settlers of Virginia and Maryland, tracing many branches through the Revolutionary and Civil War periods.<br><br> The result is a compilation of genealogical data on more than ten thousand individuals.<br>Hardy has concentrated on families who were active in civil and military affairs, so one will find here accounts of such families as the Byrds, Carters, Lees and Washingtons. Lineages will be found to several presidents, and to many generals and other high officers in the Confederate Army, although some Union officers will be found as well.<br>This volume was compiled largely by correspondence or direct contact with living members of the various families. As a result, some of the most valuable information to be found here is that on the nineteenth-century individuals. Family members giving information to the author would have reliable data on the most recent generations, during a time when vital records were not required to be recorded in these localities.<br>The families chosen by Pickett were frequently related by intermarriage, allowing the reader to trace many interesting interconnections. For instance, accounts of both the Hardy and the Pickett families are included here. The author herself may be found in the Hardy section, where we find that her mother was Elizabeth Boudin Pickett. Consultation of the Pickett chapter leads to the discovery that the author&apos;s maternal grandfather, William Henry Pickett, was second-cousin to General George Pickett of Gettysburg fame.
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